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The necessity and desirability of establishing a legal status for chemical professionals has been apparent to Nova Scotia chemists for some time. A mini-survey of those practicing chemistry demonstrated definite support for the formation of a Professional Association.  Alberta, Ontario and Quebec have Professional Associations for chemists in their provinces. In Alberta, the biologists, agrologists and several other such professions have been accorded legal status as professionals.  Other provinces have associations for a number of professions that commonly require Professional Certification in order to practice.  In Nova Scotia, as an example, the geo-scientists have been accorded similar privileges.


While the nature of federal legislation precludes a national organization operating under a Dominion Charter from possessing legal recognition in provincial matters, the Province can endow upon an organization such attributes.  For this reason, the NSCS was registered as a Society under the Societies Act.  This was accomplished in 2004 as the first step toward Professional registration. The intent is that, once the membership is established at sufficient numbers and with adequate funding, it will be possible to move forward to Professional Registration under the Nova Scotia Legislation.  


Professional Insurance Available


The idea for forming a Nova Scotia Chemists’ Society (NSCS) was first proposed by Jim Frazee at the Annual General Meeting of the Atlantic Section of the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) held at Acadia University in the summer of 1995.


In 1996, a survey was conducted, with approximately 100 of the 300 people contacted responding. The response indicated an interest in pursuing the formation of a Society.


On 18 March 2000, the first planning meeting was held, with support from the CIC. Subsequently, the members chose the by-laws of the Association of the Chemical Profession of Alberta as a model for a Society in Nova Scotia.


In the fall of 2000, a second planning meeting was held where a committee was established to draw up a constitution and by-laws. Various drafts and revisions of the by-laws were prepared and submitted to the Nova Scotian Registry of Joint Stocks. On 4 March 2004, the by-laws were accepted and registration of the Nova Scotia Chemists’ Society was achieved.


The first Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on 25 September 2004.

Members are eligible for professional liability insurance at special rates. Professional liability insurance protects businesses against charges of negligence or harm, based on a professional service or advice you provided. It’s also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance. For more information, see the information booklet below:













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